As I Get Older..........

Welcome to the place where I share the lessons I have derived from living; where I discuss the value of having had experiences that have taught, that have revealed and have explained.
This blog is not for others to judge or evaluate but to engage in sincere, loving communication. Please feel free to comment as your spirit inspires you to do.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Meaning

As I Get Older..........sayings that I have heard for years have new meaning....and this is one of them.

                           "You can't give what you don't have,
                             You can't teach what you don't know,
                             So when you get-----give
                            And when you know better --do better!!!!!"
Nuff Said!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


AS I GET OLDER.........I realize how often some things are "unforgettable".  Not weddings or deaths or births, but things much simpler.  Things like something someone said or did that they don't remember and you will never forget. 
I can remember verbatim, several statements that were made to me.  The person who said them, probably  does not recall ever having had the conversation with me, but I can tell you exactly what was said.  It affected my life forever and was added to my "lessons on life" quotes.  Certain words or deeds just touch your Spirit in such a very special place that they are ingrained for eternity.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Intentions

It is said that the road to Hell is paved with "Good Intentions".  Well, it appears that the road to getting nothing done is also paved with "Good Intentions".  In order to move from good intentions to getting it done, it takes foresight, perserverance and determination.  A sense of satisfaction and accomplishment will be the reward.  Release Good Intentions and Just Get It Done!!!!